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பிரச்சனைகள் மற்றும்


சிக்கலை முன்வைக்கவும்

பிரச்சனையைக் கேளுங்கள்
Amila Norbert

Why is it so difficult to say sorry for what JVP did in 88/89. “අපිට කම්පනයක් තියනව” is not good enough https://youtu.be/JWdLDTv6VNw?si=2RiPHylvzyrkzc6D


Thank you and we understand your concerns . JVP leadership has extended public apologies in and outside parliament but some people turn deaf ears to those . However , we are sorry that you are worried about what JVP did in 88/89 , but you and many others have forgotten what the UNP government did. They don't worry about the infamous batalanda torture chambers which was operated by Ranil Wickramasinghe's direct involvement. They don't know about the 60000 youths were burnt on tyre pyres by R Premadasa goons. Please read about the dark history if you were born after 1989. Thanks

M. P. Rajapakshe

Can you provide a list of policy adjustments and/or lessons-learned happened within NPP based on the questions/comments/feedback received from non-member general public, through this Q&A page or other communication channels within the last two years?


Thank you for your request . We wish to tell you that there have been many constructive suggestions by the general public on policy matters and we have taken them seriously . We have made adjustments in our policies where necessary . We may not be able to give you details of such people or the amendments we have made because we have to seek the consent of those who have suggested such changes. Regards

nishantha Samaraweera patabadige

Hi Anura and Team , We are really concern that Mythree Pala gave a statement about Pasku bomb blast suddenly and it will be a strategy to sack the NPP and avoid having a nomination just prior to presidential election as stating that NPP as a terrorist group . By that time NPP too late as they can't make any new party though make it , not able to register for presidential election as per election commissioner announcement made months ago .


We appreciate your concerns about the possible dangers to the NPP but we wish to assure you that not only Maitree Pala but also any other person who disturbs the credibility of the NPP , will have people's wrath . Regards

Deva Thamotheram

Kindly include your party constitution on the website . I am making this request from all parties.


Thank you and you can download it from the election commission website. We have not published it in the official website of the party. Regards

Fathima Rinoza

What is your policy on female circumcision which We Muslims practice as a religious duty?


Thank you for your inquiry. It is a matter for the respective community to decide . The government will facilitate what the community requires . Regards