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பிரச்சனைகள் மற்றும்


சிக்கலை முன்வைக்கவும்

பிரச்சனையைக் கேளுங்கள்
Jagath Silva

What do you plan to do with provincial council elections


Thank you for your inquiry . The provincial council election has been postponed indefinitely due to a delimitation issue. Since pc has been in the constitution , until we come to power and pass a new constitution , it will exist . Our stance has been right through out on PCs remains unchanged . Regards


Hi, I am a private sector employee working as a IT engineer. Wishing all the best and will be supporting you to build a better future for all.


Thank you and we accept your compliments . We invite you to influence your friends, relations and neighbors to become partners of this historical change that is taking shape now. Regards

Lucias Perera

I believe our Sri Lankans in northern province are very honest hard workers, they are the people who hate war & violence most, peace loving, as we all know they are the victims of bad & unfair politics. When we consider the economic development in Sri Lanka, agriculture will be the most important and easily achievable due to availability of resources, specially, hard working manpower. If a government could provide land (at least 1 hectare per family), Water resources, a sufficient bank loan facilities with minimum interest rates, assistance from advance technology, storing and transportation facilities, I strongly believe northern people will feed whole country. It will be another central province. Do you have any special project to get maximum productivity from north. I believe, there will be never wars in Sri Lanka again in future, after the NPP government.


Thank you for your proposal .You are right . Except for the Western Province (35%) all the other districts contribute less than 6% to the GDP . Nothern province has a bigger potential and as you rightly said land use policy in Sri Lanka is not geared for national development . 80% of land in Sri Lanka is owned by the government . They need to be used for required development while protecting the environment , fauna and flora . We have district development plans and your inputs have been taken into consideration . Regards

Tissa Keteepearachi

I’m a UK resident and interested in NPP way of politics.I’m hoping for a NPP led government in the next election. I don’t know of any NPP branch in UK. I wonder whether you could give me information regarding how to contact the UK branch please. I am hoping to attend the conference when AKD visit UK inJune. I hope you are able to reply me soon Kind regards Tissa


Thank you for your interest . Anura Kumara Dissanayake will be in the UK on 15June. You can contact Ranjith , our UK organizer on +44 7984 396378 for more information . Regards


National People's Power is a movement to provide infrastructure for progressive political entrepreneurship by the Janata Vimukti Peramuna. This is a very innovative idea and a crowd-sourced political platform. Fostering political awareness among the public, encouraging more individuals to share their progressive ideas on this platform, will contribute to the development of future leaders. (ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ විසින් ප්‍රගතිශීලී දේශපාලන ව්‍යවසායකත්වයට යටිතල පහසුකම් සැලසීමේ ව්‍යාපාරය ජාතික ජනබලවේගයයි. මෙය ඉතා නව්‍ය අදහසක් මෙන්ම ජන සමූහ මුලාශ්‍ර කොටගත් දේශපාලන වේදිකාවකි)


ස්තුතියි . ජාතික ජන බලවේගය දේශපාලන පක්ෂයකට එහා ගිය බහුජන සංවිධානයකි. මෙහි ඕනෑම අයෙකුට දේශපාලන කල හැකි පොදු වේදිකාවකි. ස්තුතියි