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சிக்கலை முன்வைக்கவும்

பிரச்சனையைக் கேளுங்கள்
V.M.Gayan Shirantha Silva

Please my I know, how can I apply for NPP membership. Thanks


Regret for being late to reply due to a technical issue. We appreciate your interest to join the NPP. Please join the NPP Kottasa Sabha in your village.

Bandara Gajanayake

Please change/update the price details (certified price) for Samba and Nadu Rice under agriculture policy, page 6 line 6 and 7. Samba - Rs. 60 Nadu - Rs.50


We appreciate your suggestion. Our new agriculture policy will be released to the general public in due course. It will answer your concerns.

Theekshana Fernando

How to get membership?


Thank you for your interest to get the membership in the NPP. Please join the NPP Kottasa Sabha in your village.

Vishwa Edirisooriya

There are a few people in and around Colombo, including the suburbs, who refer to themselves as the "elite" of Colombo's populace. They commonly assert that under an NPP government, they will not be able to maintain the same level of comfort they are currently experiencing. This is their perspective. When asked if they have listened to JVP/NPP speakers, it appears that they have not, yet these speakers can effectively influence many with what they consider to be misleading messages. One notable gap I've observed with the NPP is a language barrier. They seem to prefer to hear information in English. It could be helpful to have Sinhalese speakers provide videos with English subtitles at the bottom to address this issue


Thank you very much for your suggestion. To address the language issue , we will inform our speakers to use English and Tamil in their speeches depending on the circumstances.

Mohamed Jemaldeen Mohamed Nowfer

What is final and foremost your stand of solving NE issue?YV7r9D


Thank you for your inquiry. Although the successive governments have attempted to offer various solutions to the N/E issue , the people living there have not fully endorsed those measures. Moreover , those governments have not sufficiently consulted the people living in those areas before enforcing any legislative or administrative solutions. That has been one reason for remaining many unresolved issues for decades. We at NPP accept the fact that the people in the North and East have a few administrative issues that should be resolved through mutual dialogue. An NPP government, at the outset, will consult the people in the provinces before enforcing any legislative or administrative arrangement in the pursuit of resolving the outstanding issues. With the people's concurrence , acceptable solutions to problems like land use, language divide, education disparities , fair price for produce and sufficient market opportunities etc. will be resolved through intervention of the government. NPP believes that solutions for political issues if any can be resolved in an undivided Sri Lanka. NPP will unite all communities and build the Sri Lankan nation which will ensure lasting peace and harmony in the country.