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பிரச்சனையைக் கேளுங்கள்
Dilu De silva

What are your special plans of high education system in Sri Lanka?


Thank you for your question . There are many plans for educational refoms once NPP takes over the government . In particular , university education needs many changes from the enrollment to the employment. The curricular need refoms to meet the needs of the next decade or more. We bring in industry to the university system whereby undergraduate and postgraduate students do industry related studies and research. Our approach is that graduates who pass out from the system should possess necessary competencies for the national and international job market. They need the soft skills together with academic and professional skills to suit the 4th industrial revolution . Thank you

Jayasiri Dahanayaka

Corrupt politicians will get punished same way El Salvador MS13 gang members treated under current president of El Salvador. NPP is going to take same tough stance against corrupt politicians and underworld gangsters in Sri Lanka when NPP comes to power in Sri Lanka in next year? If it is the case do NPP think corrupt politicians will allow NPP to take over the power peacefully? If UNP + SJP + sLPP unite to form a coalition with help of part of military officers and conspire to make chaos to arrest/ or do physical crimes against NPP leadership and postpone elections under martial law like Naxalite horrors in 1982 to arrest opposition leaders ( I mean they will make up a story and create major blasts and violence all over the country like Ester Sunday bomb blasts)? Do you have a plan to face worst case scenario like martial law situation?


Thank you and we appreciate your concerns. Certainly we are prepared for any eventualities.

Km jc disanayaka

පුද්ගලික දේපල රජයට පවරා ගැනීම සම්බන්ධව පැහැදිලි කිරීමක් බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමි


කිසිදු පුද්ගලික දේපලක් රජයට පවරා ගැනීමට ජාතික ජන බලවේගයේ සැලසුමක් නොමැති බව වගකීමෙන් සඳහන් කරන අතර මෙවැනි ප්‍රචාර අප ගැන සාවද්‍ය තොරතුරු සමාජගත කිරීමට කුමන්ත්‍රණකාරීව කටයුතු කරන පිරිස්වල අසත්‍ය හා මඩ ප්‍රචාර බව තරයේ අවධාරණය කරනවා.

Dilakshan Seneviratne

1) Refer to a previous question from Chathura Dharmasiri "Some speculates when your party comes to power you will nationalize privately owned lands like Mrs..Sirimavo Bandaranayake's government in the 70, Do you have such plans?" Your reply did not categorically refute this idea. I think the fears of some in the electorate must be allayed with a more substantive explanation. 2) NPP economic policy is not on the website why? as this is an aspect that most people are concerned about. Direct Foreign Investment (DFI) has been mentioned in a previous response regarding Transportation solutions. DFI is an extremely essential part of SL coming out of the economic crisis because FDIs will bring in much needed Capital inflow and Technology. Investors need assurance about things like Land access, Legal protection, taxation in order to assess their risk profiles. To be able to attract FDI. these things need to be clearly written into NPP policies. 3) Sunil Handunthi is on record saying that Policies can simply be embedded into the current constitution if NPP gains power, as the constitution has provision for this. Can this be confirmed please? 4) Younger generation want to do their own businesses (Start Ups) using their own skills. NPP needs a comprehensive written policy outlining the mechanisms how an NPP government will encourage innovation? Has this been thought through? 5) Traditional economic dependence on Tourism, local industries such as tea, coconut, garments etc, agriculture and foreign remitances are not going to cut it. These plus agriculture play a significant role in the short to medium term but SL need to tap into the digital world and IT skills based services to participate in the global economy, which is expanding rapidly. Chaturanga has been talking about these in his presentations, but we need to see Policies? When will these be out? 6) Regarding foreign remitances, why doesn't the NPP aim to gradually reduce unskilled labour export (particularly women) and instead have programs to upskill them into trades or other professions that will add value to the economy as well as vastly improve their own lives?


Thank you for your series of questions . 1) This is a wrong contention. NPP has never stated that its government would take over private land but will always encourage land owners of such to increase their productivity. We request people not to be deceived by false propaganda . 2) We have not published the 2024-2029 & 2029-2034 policies yet. We will be putting them up in January 2024. However , we have published the election manifesto of 2019/20 on our website npp.lk. Manifesto is an extract of the policy and the policy is a detailed document. 3) Yes , Handunetti has stated the party policy . We are going to propose to the parliament under an NPP government to enforce the election manifestos of political parties if they are elected . Thereby , we make the parties accountable so that citizens can claim damages if not the elected party action their promises . 4) We have seriously thought about the start ups and we have proposed a capital fund for such innovations for further development. We will be having a sizable allocation for R&D in our national budget . 5) We have given priority for agriculture and export agriculture in our policy . Fisheries , Dairy , export crops mainly cinnamon , pepper , vanilla , etc will have more attention . We believe in a production economy in addition to service sector . We will add value to our exports rather than sending them raw. Our policies will drive the country to fetch more dollar inflows . 6) We will not encourage unskilled labour export but the skilled . Specially health workers , manual workers with NVQ qualifications together with other internationally recognized qualifications . We may not focus on sending house maids and it will be gradually phased out .


රැලියකදී දේශපනයකදී ඉදිරි දැක්ම හෝ ප්‍රතිපත්ති ඉදිරිපත් කරනවට වඩා මූලිකත්වය දිය යුත්තේ මේ රටේ ජරාජීර්ණ දේශපාගන සංස්කෘතික ගැන පැහැදිලි කිරීමක් මම හිතන විදියට, මොකද සභා මැතිවරණය ජයග්‍රහණය කරත් අනිත් ඡන්දයකට කලින් එය බංකලොත් කිරීමට පහර ගැසීමට උපරිම ශක්තිය විරුද්ධවාදීන් යොදවනවා ඒකාන්තයි. ඉතින් ඒ නිසා ඒ ගැන අප්ඩේට් එකක් දැනුවත් වීමක් පක්ෂයට අලුතින් හැරුන ඒ වගේම රටේ සියලු ඡනතාවටත් දැනුවත් වීමක් අවශ්‍යයි. මොකද අපේ රටේ බහුතරයකගේ ඔලු ඇතුලේ තවමත් තියෙන්නේ පරණ දේශපාලන සංස්කෘතිය හොල්මන් බව මතකතියාගමු මොකද මේ රටේ සිසුවෙක් ආර්ට් තෝරගෙන දේශපාලන විද්‍යාව ඉගෙනත්තොත් මිසක් නැත්නම් පොත්පත් කියවා මිසක් දේශපාලන සුද්ද දැනුමක් ලබන්නේ නැත. එසේ නොලැබෙන උන්ට ලැබෙන්නෙම අර හැත්තෑ ගනනක් ආව ජරා දේශපාලන සංස්කෘතිික දැනුම විතරක්මය? ඒ වගේම මේ ඡන්දයේදී අපේක්ෂකයා යනු පක්ෂය විසින් පක්ෂයේ ප්‍රතිපත්ති විසින් කමිටුවක් විසින් විනයක් මගින් පාලනය වෙන කෙනෙක් කියාත් හොඳටම රටේ ජනතාවට ඒත්තු ගැන්විය යුතුය. එසේමනම් ජය වේවා ?❤️


ඔබේ ප්‍රශ්නයට බෙහෙවින් ස්තූතියි. එසේම ඔබ ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබෙන අදහස කෙරෙහි දැනටමත් අප අවදානය යොමුකර ඇති බවද ප්‍රකාශ කරමු.