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தேசிய மக்கள் சக்தி

பிரச்சனைகள் மற்றும்


சிக்கலை முன்வைக்கவும்

பிரச்சனையைக் கேளுங்கள்
Ikram Faiz

I am writing to you as a concerned and committed citizen who wants to contribute to the positive development of our country. I have been following your vision and achievements, and I am impressed by your dedication and leadership.


Thank you for your appreciation of our party and the leadership . We invite you to share your thoughts with your friends and colleagues so that we all can resurrect this country from the scratch . Thank you


Hi there I am not sure if I havechosen the right category for this question. With the ratification of online safety bill I’d like to know how it would impact NPP’s campaign and propaganda as NPP does not have any affiliation with any commercial media outlet ,and relies on social media to reach out to people. Thanks in advance.


Thank you for your concern. We have the support of frontline media so as the social . The Online Safety Bill has not become a law yet though it was passed in the parliament ; however , we join with all progressive parties to exert pressure on the government to amend it as recommended by the supreme court . Thank you

Srimal Fernando

Please send me our npp party economic strategy plan ( summary ) to over come this crisis after we won the election...


Thank you for your request . We will be publishing our policies shortly then you can get details as to how the NPP is going to overcome the crisis . Thank you

Priyan Suriyaarachchi

I'm an environmental engineer by profession, after going through your environmental policy it is felt like it needed to be reinforced more with modern concepts (Specially environmental economics). So I would like to offer my knowledge and expertise.


Thank you for your interest to support our policy on Environment . Please send us your contact numbers so that we can pass them to the relevant team . Thank you

Ranjith Weeraratne

The party policies together with development plans also. Should be published.


Thank you for your concern. We will be publishing the NPP policies and the manifesto for the election very soon. Thank you