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2024 ජනාධිපතිවරණ

පොහොසත් රටක් - ලස්සන ජීවිතයක්

ගැටලුව ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න

ගැටලුව විමසන්න

1) Under your government do you maintain a consistance tax ppolicy for least 5 years which help business also to plan such a period and eexecutive the business plan. 2) Will your government do give shortterm and long term target for each and every government organisations and create a machanisem to monitor those performance and disclose to the general public? What action will be taken for governing top management if they not perform? 3) Do you have a plan to improve agreculture with new technology and most of the fruits which we import can plant here also and agreecuture reseach department should have clear target on that. 4) we have industries in srilanka can produce good but we still imports those good. Ex. Plastic kind of product which can recycling. Do you have a plan to creat a platform for those industies to discuss those and develop from local consumption to export market? 4) Do you have a plan to leagalised and develop kind of toddy and kitul toddy to sell to foreigners.


Thank you for your inquiry. We acknowledge that your questions are valid concerns regarding our policies for rebuilding the nation. We encourage you to read our manifesto, which outlines how we plan to govern and bring about positive change. Best regards


As a concerned citizen, I have noticed that the current state of public transport in our country is far from ideal. Many people, including myself, face daily challenges due to inefficiencies, delays, overcrowding, and overall poor service quality. Could you please share your party's plans, solutions, and proposed regulations to address these issues? Specifically, I am interested in understanding how you intend to improve the reliability, accessibility, and sustainability of public transport in both urban and rural areas. Thank you.


Thank you for your inquiry. Transport is a priority sector for the NPP, with a strong focus on enhancing public transportation to meet 70% of the country's total transport needs within four years. We plan to significantly improve the railway system by converting all single tracks to double tracks, double tracks to triple tracks, and extending the network to cover all major cities. Additionally, we will increase the frequency of train services. Our plan also includes 24/7 bus services that will cover urban, rural, and estate areas. For a comprehensive overview, please refer to our policy statement. The following link will allow you to download our policy document.  https://www.npp.lk/si/policies Best regards


I’m a Sinhalese Sri Lankan teenager living in Canada. The main issue with National unity is some people are keeping the grudge on what happened during the civil war and it is understandable. The war was unfortunate and caused losses to every Sri Lankan. When I scroll through TikTok and Instagram, I always find posts where someone celebrates the Sri Lankan military winning the war and the comments are filled with tamils hating it or other posts of tamils identifying as Tamil tigers and Sinhalese hating it. is there a plan to stop this hatred between the two ethnicities and stop people from provoking it? Specially to educate the new generations of all ethnicities? And also, going to high school in Canada, I’ve learned that the Canadian government has apologized for their mistreatment of some ethnicities. For example, at school, we do something called the land acknowledgement where Canadians acknowledge the mistreatment of native americans and that Canadians are living in borrowed lands from the natives. This prompted me to think that most countries have reported, even the United Nations, that there has been war crimes by the Sri Lankan military. I’m not taking the ltte side because tamil tigers were recognized as a terrorist group but the Sri Lankan military is a military that has to follow international rules. Sri Lanka has denied all allegations about war crimes but it’s all over the news. At some point, does the NPP government plan on acknowledging any war crimes committed and if so, arresting the people responsible. I know under a NPP government, all political leaders who who were in power during that time would be in jail for the political crimes they committed but I’m asking about the military leaders? And would Sri Lanka do something similar like I see in Canada where they would apologize for what happened during the war?


Thank you for your inquiry. We acknowledge all your concerns about the ethnic issue in Sri Lanka. The NPP is committed to promoting national unity and inclusivity by addressing these concerns through a new constitution, local governance, anti-discrimination measures, and expanding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. An NPP government also plans to create an Inter-Religious Council and implement educational programs to foster mutual respect and understanding among all communities. We value your suggestions and they will be forwarded to our Research & Development team. Best regards


I think below mentioned things are the main functions of the government and doing business is not suitable for healthy government if government going to do business country go down definitely my request is please be away from businesses 1. **Protection**: Safeguarding citizens from external threats and maintaining law and order. 2. **Regulation**: Establishing and enforcing laws to ensure citizens' rights and societal order. 3. **Public Services**: Providing essential services like education, healthcare, and infrastructure. 4. **Economic Management**: Stabilizing the economy through fiscal policies and regulation of markets. 5. **International Relations**: Managing diplomatic relations and promoting peaceful coexistence with other nations


Thank you for your ideas. Our policies aim to create a supportive environment for businesses to thrive while ensuring that they contribute to the overall well-being of society. We value your input and are committed to efficient and effective governance in all the areas you have mentioned. Best regards


Dear NPP. You know that there is a large number of Sri Lankans living in different parts of the world with higher education, knowledge, and experience in specialized fields. Most of them are keen and willing to come back to SL and devote their time even without any monetary benefits to support an honest effort to take the country out of the current abyss. However, they will be reluctant to sacrifice their well-established and well-paid jobs unless they know that their expertise would be effectively utilized and their sacrifices would be properly recognized with fitting responsibilities so that they feel that it is worth the sacrifices. Do you have any programme to gather profiles of such individuals so that when the time comes you have a pool of highly qualified and experienced professionals in your ranks to be given positions of responsibility in a future NPP government , for example in diplomatic postings, appointments to Parliament on national list, statutory/public bodies, judiciary, research institutes, etc. If not, I suggest that you make an open invitation for those willing to come back to SL and render their services to apply with CV & Bio-date, screen them by a high powered committee, interview them and get in touch with them individually. Regards, Sri Lankan professionals living abroad.


Thank you for your valuable suggestions. It will be forwarded to our Research & Development team. Best regards