We should have lightning requirements on vehicles such as passenger vehicles, buses, lorries, and semis/trucks which would help drivers drive safely at night. I want to see every passenger car, truck, and bus made in Sri Lanka/assembled in Sri Lanka after 2024 and imported to Sri Lanka after 2024 to have the U.S. DOT lighting requirements. I want the same laws in the USA to be in Sri Lanka as well. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has specific requirements for side marker lighting on vehicles to ensure visibility and safety. Here’s a summary of what these requirements generally entail: ### Side Marker Lighting Requirements 1. **Placement**: - **Front Side Markers**: Must be located on each side of the vehicle as far forward as practical. - **Rear Side Markers**: Must be located on each side of the vehicle as far back as practical. 2. **Color**: - **Front Side Markers**: Amber (yellow) in color. - **Rear Side Markers**: Red in color. 3. **Visibility**: - Side marker lights must be visible from the side of the vehicle. The exact visibility distance can vary but typically must be visible from at least 1000 feet away when viewed from the side. 4. **Lighting Intensity**: - The lights must be bright enough to be visible under normal atmospheric conditions (e.g., in fog or rain) from the required distances. 5. **Function**: - Side marker lights must be illuminated whenever the vehicle’s headlights or parking lights are on. ### Regulatory Standards - **FMVSS 108**: The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 108 outlines all the requirements for lighting, reflective devices, and associated equipment on vehicles. This includes side marker lighting. - **SAE Standards**: The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) also provides technical standards for automotive lighting, including side marker lights. ### Purpose The primary purpose of these requirements is to enhance the visibility of vehicles, particularly from the side, to prevent accidents. Properly functioning side marker lights help other drivers see the vehicle’s outline and movement in low-light conditions, at night, or in adverse weather conditions. ### Compliance Vehicle manufacturers must ensure their vehicles meet these DOT requirements before they can be sold in the U.S. For aftermarket parts, sellers and installers must ensure the products are compliant with FMVSS 108. By adhering to these requirements, vehicle manufacturers and owners contribute to road safety by ensuring that vehicles are easily seen from all angles, reducing the risk of side collisions. Link for research for lightning requirements: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-1996-title49-vol4/pdf/CFR-1996-title49-vol4-sec393-11.pdf In Sri Lanka, all of the trailers I've seen don't have strong guards both from the rear and sides. This results in the death of drivers and passengers of cars, SUVs, etc... Therefore I recommend the laws from IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) which is a U.S. non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the number of motor vehicle crashes and minimizing injuries and property damage that results from these crashes. The links for the underride guards: https://www.iihs.org/topics/large-trucks/truck-underride https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3MPKLy9qHU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrL7AUMT4To
මේ ප්රශ්නය යොමුකරන්නේ තුන්වෙනි හා අවසාන වරටයි. වර්තමාන රජය දැනටමත් ප්රකාශ කර ඇති පරිදි යෝජිත ශ්රී ලංකාව හා ඉංදියාව යා කෙරෙන පාලම සඳහා මේ වන විටත් මූලික අගැයීම් කටයුතු කර අවසානයි. ඉංදියාව හා ලංකාව යා කෙරෙන පාලමකට ජාතික ජන බල වේගය එකඟද? කෙලින් පිලිතුරක් දෙන්න.
විදේශ ගත ශ්රමිකයන් සදහ NPP රජයක් යටතේ ලබා දීමට කටයුතු කරන සහනයන් මොනවද ?
පුද්ගලික පාසල් නියාමනය සම්බන්ධයෙන් පැන නැගී ඇති ජාතික ගැටලුවක් ඔබ වෙත ලිඛිතව 2024/6/19 වන දින එවන ලදී. ඒ සඳහා දුරකථනයෙන් ඔබගේ ලේකම් යයි කියනු ලද මහතතමයෙක් මා හට අවසාන පිළිතුරක් ලබාදුනි. එම පිළිතුර කිසිසේත්ම ඔබගේ ප්රතිපත්ති හා සමපාත නොවන අතර එය හුදෙක් ඡන්ද ප්රචාරණ පිළිතුරක් පමණක් විය. මධ්යම පංතියේ සැබෑ ගැටලු හඳුනා ගැනීමේ ශක්යතාවයක් නොමැති පුද්ගලයන් ඔබගේ ්වයාපාරය තුළ තීරණ ගන්නා පුද්ගලයන් ලෙස යොදා ගැනීම; ඔබ අප බලාපොරොත්තු වෙන යහපත් දේශය වෙනුවට ඉක්මනින් කඩා වැටෙන සහ ඉතිහාසය විසින් කුණුබක්කියේ පතුලටම ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ තල්ලු කරන්නට හේතු විය හැක.
I need npp GAMPOLA organizer number I like to join npp Name - MOHAMMED SHAFRAZ Age - 30 Home town - GAMPOLA Gramasawaka Wasama - 1111 Mobile Number - 0740885114 Emai l- Mhdsha.info7@gmil.com Address - 32/9 KEERAPONA GAMPOLA