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ගැටලුව විමසන්න
Sisira Weerasekaralage

Dear Officer in Charge Can I obtain PDF for 1- Engineering Sector Document 2- Science and Technology Document in order give Proposals/Ideas/ Comments. I am Senior Engineer /Senior Lecture in Engineering and Technology Education. BSc Engineering B Tech NVQ System- TVEC, Univotec & COT Sisira Weerasekaralage - MSc (Eng)


Thank you. Please visit npp.lk You can download the engineering policy framework and the R&D one will be uploaded in a few days. Regards

Prabhashwara De Silva

Are you planning to develop the Economy using Market Economic Principles or Socialist Economic Principles? What is the proposed Economic Model? Is it a Social Market Economy or Socialist Market Economy? If there's any article please mention. Thankyou


Thank you for your inquiry. We will adhere to best practices of all models and our model will have three stakeholders. State, Private and Cooperative. Market alone cannot make decisions and that is what is happening now. Market allows monopolies, oligopolies, and Collusions. Our economic model will not let that happen. You can call it by any name but in some countries, the model we follow is called Social Solidarity Economy. It is up to the observer to call it in whatever name but we ensure economic democracy. Regards

Senerath Palamakumbura

Glad to see professional from various fields are getting together to form a framework to take SL economy to an advanced knowledge based one from the present subsistence economy mainly shouldered by poor blue collar workers like housemaids (this is despite SL having more than 100 years of university education). One thing I see in their discussions is Research and Development (R and D) by which I hope they mean technology transfer. That is transferring already established industries/technologies/services/ from developed/rich countries. This will eventually create a knowledge base in SL from which R & D can proceed. All technologically developed countries in Asia (Japan, South Korea, China, India etc) first did this tech transfer and now after several decades they are doing their own R & D. To start R&D without a proper knowledge and tach base and purpose is like trying to run without being able to walk.


Thank you for your compliments. Once we take over the government, we shall implement all what we have pledged. R&D is a key to the sustainable development of a country. Regards

Jagath Silva

tell us ur economic policy


Thank you for your inquiry. We have not released our new economic policy but if you wish, you can download the 2019 policy from our website. We are planning to release our policies one by one. You may have seen our power & energy, IT, Construction, maritime industry, and R&D policies were released recently. Regards

Senaka de silva

Pl let me know whether brigadier thoradeniya is in "Aditana" group. Thanks


Thank you. No such officer is in the retired triforces collective in the NPP. Regards