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ගැටලුව ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න

ගැටලුව විමසන්න
Menuka Madusanka

I am photographer ...miv photography is my page .can you give me yours political campaign photography side...i do my best ...


Iam youth entrepreneur and I need a help from the respective team, i appreciate the new project that the NPP team going to support the growing entrepreneurs, So please kind enough to assist me with this request.

Ananda Yapabandara

How can one make a financial contribution to the party to assist with the preparation for the upcoming elections?

Ananda Yapabandara

If and when the NPP wins the next election, who are going to be the ministers of the cabinet? Has the party and Anura chosen suitable and qualified candidates to take over the ministries? It would be helpful for the party to have these decisions made well before the election.

Daya Siriwardena

I am a chartered professional chemical engineer with nearly 40 years of experience, currently residing in Sri Lanka. I hail from Tangalla, where my ancestors' home on Cemetery Road once housed the JVP office. My expertise lies in the operations, maintenance, and process management of water and wastewater treatment and distribution. Water and wastewater management is a crucial industry, on par with electricity and power. I believe it deserves a prominent place in our national policies. I am eager to contribute to the water and wastewater sector in Sri Lanka. Please let me know how I could use my knowledge and skills for the development of Water and wastewater industry in Sri Lanka. It would be much appreciated if you could communicate with me by an email.