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ගැටළු සහ විසදුම්


ගැටලුව ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න

ගැටලුව විමසන්න
Asanka Herat

The public sector had been inefficient time in memorial ...the private sector through taxes have funded education and salaries of government servants and see them not contributing more and increase productivity.When we stay late nights to finish our work we see government servants getting ready to go home from 3.PM to leave at 4.30 leaving all work behind ...they take bribes and then when COL goes up protest disrupting the lives of the hard working private sector workers (who pay their salaries and paid for their education and health) ....they don't contribute to economic growth as much as the private sector but runs government expenditures for increased wages and new jobs ....how are you guys going to address this disparity without loosing the government sector vote ....


Thank you for your inquiry. You may be right but it is the system that has created most of these problems. When you don't have a proper deployment plan for the government, people from Matara come to work in Colombo. They come to the office late and leave early otherwise they miss transport. That is where HR audit, deployment, and recruitment criteria are important. When you centralize government operation, you have to expect these drawbacks. Also, technology can play an important role. An NPP government has drawn up plans to address these issues within one to two years maximum. Corruption, and bribery can be eliminated if proper systems are in practice. Regards


My suggestion To educate the people of our country about the balance of the family economy without debt and the discipline of money management through the government's intervention in several families. Through that, it will help to develop the peace of the people.


Thank you for your idea. We are sorry no government can do it individually to educate how to manage household income and expenditure. It depends on individual's behavior . Regards

Heshan Sandeepa

Where do you stand on these ongoing strikes?


Thank you for your inquiry. We as a party has publicly said we are not in favour of strikes on the verge of an election. Our worker rights movement head Lal Kantha had a conference in Colombo a few days back and explained our position. Most of the strikes are organized by UNP or SLPP affiliated unions and they want to discredit NPP at this time. Regards


Why you don't consider about molecular science in your statement of policy about science and technology? Is their difficult to promote it in our country or something else?


Thank you for your inquiry. We are not reluctant to promote any important area under our R&D policy. We have forwarded your idea to the team on Science and Technology. Regards

Asanga weerakoon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGBFTJKuINE Please see this video. The behavior of your trade union leaders are not healthy. Please address these issue more professionally to retain and grow your voter base. What Lal Kantha said was much better than this at this moment. As a person who wish to see a NPP government I suggest you take this issue seriously. Thanks Asanga


Thank you for drawing our attention to the video. We will forward it to relevant people and take the facts seriously. Regards