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ගැටලුව විමසන්න

Under your government, what is your plan on crypto currency? Also what about online trading? Forex, Crypto, Stocks, Commodity.


Thank you for your inquiry. Under an NPP government, our priority will be to first address the pressing economic challenges the country is facing at the moment. While we recognize the growing importance of cryptocurrency, online trading, and other financial innovations, we will approach these areas cautiously. Our plan will involve establishing clear regulatory frameworks to ensure security, transparency, and innovation, while safeguarding public interests and the stability of our financial system. This will be a carefully managed process involving experts to ensure that these developments align with the broader economic priorities of the country. Best regards

Tharik Azeez

i would like to know about the Policies for foreign workers


Thank you for your inquiry. The NPP is committed to ensuring the safety of foreign workers by implementing strong support systems and emergency protocols. We will focus on skill training to help workers excel abroad and ensure proper handling of remittances. Additionally, we will empower our ambassadors and diplomatic staff to support and advocate for Sri Lankan workers. Please stay tuned for our detailed policy statement on foreign workers, coming soon. Best regards

Pasindu Thennakoon

As AKD is saying we need more business men in Sri Lanka, I also like to be a business men. I have knowledge, skill and ability on mechanical field. Please be kind enough to join me to your up coming programs.


Thank you for your inquiry. Under an NPP government, we will introduce a range of programs to support small to medium businesses and start-ups. These initiatives will include guarantee-free loans for young entrepreneurs and various other economic opportunities. For more detailed information, please look forward to our upcoming policy statements. Best regards

Naseef Nazly

Hi Im Naseef here I would like to know what are the criterias to be a member in NPP, Do you have any limitations?


Thank you for your interest. We invite all citizens who share our values and vision to join our movement. Together, we can work towards rebuilding our nation for the better. Your support is crucial in making this change a reality. Best regards

Lahiru Senaratne

Hello, I have some questions regarding some important issues in our education system. I want to know how the NPP government will address them: 1. How will you combat the ragging problem in our State-owned universities? Many students who come from main schools with good A Level results and Z-scores fear going to State universities, especially Arts faculties, because of the inhumane ragging. Also, the politicisation of State-unis where the students are forced to go for protests by IUSF and other unions, and also the strikes of non-academic staff etc., make us spend more than 4 years to obtain our degree. It's a big waste of time. Some say that JVP/FSP is behind both ragging and boycotts. 2. How will you help the students who have gone to International Schools and therefore have London OLs and ALs, in English-medium? They are also citizens and voters of this country. They can't go to State-universities because their qualifications aren't recognised, nor should they, they will struggle with the language barrier and deprive a spot from a local ALs possessing student. But the International students are stuck. Many of them can't afford to go for Higher Education overseas without taking on enormous loans. I have a friend who schooled at a small international school, his parents are considering selling property and going into debt just for him to go to a decent foreign university. They are left with poor-quality private campuses here who don't teach at a right quality and falsely claim to be accredited by UGC/foreign universities. People say JVP protested against Monash University, a world-top G8 university, from putting a campus here. They instead moved to Malaysia and today earn hundreds of millions of foreign exchange for Malaysia. Will the NPP allow quality foreign universities to set up here? This can stop needless dollars flowing out of the country also. Will you close down international schools, or implement a strict set of regulations for them to follow, just like private campuses here? Even with international schools there're problems of quality. 3. What is your policy regarding English-medium education in local schools? I remember that in early 2000s JVP was against it. We need to speak English alongside our mother tongue Sinhala, keeping Sinhala/Tamil as our main languages, but also promoting fluency in English, just like Singapore and Malaysia, so that we can trade and engage with the international community. If NPP is for promoting bilingualism, how will you promote it? I have watched videos of Comrade AKD saying that even rural schools will be guaranteed quality teachers, not just for English but for all subjects, and that if rural schools are deprived, they can take legal action against the Ministry of Education. That's a great policy I hope you implement it. 4. And finally, how will you improve funding for teachers' salaries, recruitment, schools development, IT device connectivity, etc.? Sorry if this is a long question, looking forward to NPP addressing all this in their Education Policy Document that will hopefully be released soon.


Thank you for your inquiry. All the issues you've raised will be addressed in the NPP education policy, which will be launched very soon. Education is a top priority for an NPP government. We plan to strengthen the state education system while minimizing disparities in resources, and we will also regulate the private education sector. The claim that we will shut down private education is false. Also, we are committed to eradicating ragging from all levels of the education system. Best regards