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ගැටලුව විමසන්න
Malan Daluwaththa

Can I find our Science & Tech policies ? A friend of mine who is looking for NPP asked me about it.


I am grateful for your interest. The Science and Technology Policy can be downloaded by clicking the link below.




I was wondering what the NPP policy is when it comes to establishing a strong international financial center in Colombo following the likes of Dubai and Singapore as this will benefit our econoomy greatly as it did for these nations when they started to grow rapidly. When it comes to the port city, the only criticism I have is that the financial center in terms of size is quite small compared to the real estate ventures in the project. Does the NPP have a strategic plan in implementing a financial hub that will attract international banks, private equity funds, insurance companies and other financial related companies to estabish colombo as an international financial hub?


Thank you for your inquiry. Regarding your concerns about the financial hub, certainly we will consider about the feasibility and the legality of such a complex. Regards

Nalin Samaratunga

Willing to support your effort of making a better Srl Lanka. All the best!


Thank you for your interest We look forward to your support to develop the country. Regards

Kusum Salgado

Hello, I attended the 'Beyond the Line' meeting on 6th July. will you be uploading the Policy document in your website?


Thank you. Certainly, we will upload it soon in our website. Kind regards

Sachith bandara

I'm a teacher in English medium private school if u come to power do you abolish international schools if so what happen to our jobs


Thank you for your inquiry. We will not abolish or prevent private education. However, the government will regulate the quality of delivery by setting an independent regulator to ensure quality standards. We think education is not a commodity but a primary need so it is the responsibility of the government in power to deliver the best to the child. Regards