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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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A.Palitha Jayawardana

We are all decided to vote for Anura Malimawa 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌈🌈🌈🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰 my request to you sir is to promote on your appointment to generate Hotwater / electricity from solar power for our Hotels households on easy payment terms from Banks so we will NOT be a button the national Grid and generate a better income and offer a better service to Hotel guests


Thank you for your suggestion . We will forward your proposal to the relevant team . Regards

Inshap mohammed

Hello, brother. Could you please tell me how to join the party as an active member? Also, please share the requirements for that. Many thanks Kind regards Inshap Graduate composites engineer


Thank you for your inquiry. We appreciate your interest to join the party. Please contact the Kottasa Sabha in your area so that you can join their political activities. Regards

Sadhana Herath

I am a first-year fashion student. I want to know what will happen to the apparel industry and what changes or help you will make and give for small and upcoming businesses in this sector once you gain power. Thank You


Thank you for your inquiry. Apparel industry should now go to the next level in the supply chain. We are proposing many changes to the existing apparel industry. SME sector will have all the encouragement and an NPP will provide financial assistance for upcoming entrepreneurs and startups. SME sector is considered a very important contributor to the GDP. Regards


Hi, NPP's plans for the future are exciting. But are the principles being explained to the grassroots as well? And what are the conditions for those who want to join the party? What is the constitution of the party?


Thank you for your question. A 45 day campaign is in progress at present until 30 June . If you wish to get the party constitution ,please visit the website of the election commission. You can download constitutions of all parties . Regards


Where could I find list of scheduled public meetings and key speakers Thanks


Thank you for your inquiry . Please follow our official social media pages to get details about our future meetings . Regards