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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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Venura Perera

After you come to the power I request you to check how the people In RMV Werahera and in other places and their assets.I things they cannot have such vehicles and those things from their salaries. Better to do a survey on this.


Thank you. Proper systems can minimize this malpractice. NPP will look into all malpractice reported and will take action appropriately. Regards

D Tharinda

Dear Policy Negotiaters This is a question about judicial system and Defense System Please be kind enough to implement new technologies to Police and Judicial system such as Lie Detector/ Polygraph, Tracking System for each arrest because As a person who got experienced in few countries i regret to say in Sri Lanka has less value for human and human rights. As an example recently i saw a news that saying a wrong person got arrested by police made a case without proper evidences and he got jailed for 13 years but after that police found the real criminal and the person got released. In these kind of cases who will give the justification for them? This is an one scenario. There are multiple, so at least make a proper systamatic approach to make law and whole judicial system


Thank you. You are right and technology needs to be introduced to most of the systems which an NPP government would do once you all elect them to power. Regards

Malintha Fernando

Hi, I am a follower of NPP program and greatly appreciate the hard work and efforts to rebuild our nation. I just saw on news that SL teachers demonstration lead by JVP members which I think something teachers deserve and no argument on that. But closing schools doesn’t not seem fair and the way the leaders using it as a weapon to win their needs makes a bad impression and bad example. That demonstration does not seem very NPP like. Something to think about


Thank you. However, we must state that it is not just one trade union involved in the one-day protest. Our teachers' union and the unions of all categories of teachers joined the demonstration because the government has not paid their salary anomalies which they agreed to pay. How can teachers live without meeting their expenses? Regards

Kapila Ranjith Ranchagoda

I wont to meet Mr. sunil Handunnethti or Dr. Nalin for discus some reason about economic what you never talk. My English is not good


Thank you. Please forward your concerns so that we can forward them to the party leaders you have mentioned. Regards


Many youth in Sri Lanka highly admire and love inline 4, V6, V8 American car brands such as Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, RAM, Chrysler, Jeep, Cadillac, Lincoln, Buick, GMC, and Harley Davidson. Unfortunately, it's accessible to own only for MPs and crony elite businessmen, while the public can't purchase because of high taxes imposed upon arrival, so the youth have to immigrate abroad to fulfil their dreams (make their dreams come true) and they hope to never come back to SL which is one of the reasons Sri Lanka has a big brain drain. Since 1977, we haven't seen big 3 Detroit automakers (Ford, General Motors, Stellantis N.A.) in Sri Lanka. However in the Middle East, Latin-America, Turkey, Russia, China, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, etc... there's some presence of American cars. Once NPP comes to power, I want the NPP government to call Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Stellantis North America to build mass production factories which will produce both regular and luxury cars in Sri Lanka for both local and export market. The reason why I am saying the big 3 Detroit automakers is because most Asian countries have mostly only Japanese, Korean, and European automobile factories there which would be harder for us if we assemble non-American cars. Having the big 3 Detroit automakers in Sri Lanka would bring more profit and fame because it would be easy to access many markets around the world with our wide range of models and would bring many jobs for the Sri Lankan people.


Thank. We have forwarded your suggestions to our industry policy team. They may consider. Regards