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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

Questions & Answers


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What is your plan towards apparel manufacturing for exports. What are the facilities, benefits will be given small and medium businesses?


Thank you for your inquiry. As you are aware, Apparel has been one of the key industries in Sri Lanka. However, much of earnings from exports are spent for imports of raw materials and accessories. Why not we call investment for such industries . We are willing to give them special concessions if they bring FDI. Their applications will be approved within 14 days maximum. Investors will have single window that will look after all compliances. SME sector is facing many difficulties which are we are aware of. Those companies which are closed due to various issues including outstanding loans will be taken care of an the NPP government will give them a lifeline. We are for a production economy and we will extend our fullest support to small and medium industrialists . Regards

Lawrie Holmes

Hi there, I am a UK journalist keen to talk to Wasantha Samarasinghe about the Hambantota Hospital issue as soon as possible. I have contacted him by LinkedIn and waiting for a reposnse. Regards Lawrie Holmes 44 7531 733161


Thank you for your inquiry . We will email Wasantha Samarasinghe's email to you separately . Regards

Capt. Fazaheel FAIZER

Two Questions: 1. What's NPP Aviation Vision for Sri Lanka. ( If you need expert advice let me know). 2. What's NPP plan to recover stolen assets and wealth plus what time frame set?


Thank you for your email and volunteering to help us on aviation policy. Can you please contact Dr Jayarathne on 0773222405 for a discussion on the matter. Regards

Chaminda pushpa kumara

what is your econamy plan


Thank you for your inquiry. We will release our economic policy for public consultation once the election is announced. Regards

Sam Faws

I personally like your policies. I would love to contribute my best to rebuild country’s economy education medical and agriculture. It is possible to rebuild everything back in 3-5 years. Thank you


Thank you for your compliments. Together we will rebuild the country. Regards