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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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Hi, Good afternoon ! Could you please let me know the strategy to over come the foreign debt. issue & the what are the plans to increase national income.Thank you


Thank you for your inquiry. To overcome the foreign debt challenge, the NPP plans to negotiate the IMF program with a mandate from the people to minimize austerity measures. This includes increasing revenue, broadening the tax base, and eliminating wasteful government expenses while strengthening the external sector. The aim is to ensure debt sustainability through short-term, medium-term, and long-term measures to generate the necessary funds to settle the debt. Regarding increasing national income, the NPP is focused on enhancing external economic activity, creating a production-based economy, and reviving the MSME sector. For more detailed information, please look forward to our upcoming policy statements. Best regards

Choolani Lakshika

There is a miscommunication circling between rural area people that NPP will take authority to collect money from all the personal bank accounts and share everything equally. And they will take money to build the government party or something. I don't know why, but seems like people believe it. Must be the miscommunication about marxism and socialism. Most of the people from rural areas tend to believe silly theories like that because they lack political knowledge and common sense. It'll be good if you clear up this illogical rumors.


We appreciate your concern. It is completely valid. Our opponents are spreading these baseless claims. Rest assured, we are dedicated to consistently informing the public about the true and authentic policies of the NPP. We invite you to support us in this endeavour. Best regards


What's NPP's policy regarding importation of passenger vehicles ? and the tax imposed on these budget passenger vehicles ?


Thank you for your inquiry. We do not have a policy to prohibit the importation of passenger vehicles. As we don’t manufacture them locally, importing is necessary. When we come into power, we will assess the dollar reserves and the economic recovery plan to determine how quickly we can lift the current restrictions. The taxes imposed will also be adjusted based on the strength of the economy, ensuring a balanced approach that benefits the country. Best regards


Currently, we have to face a lot of difficulties in our public transportation in Sri Lanka, because this country is a hot country and there is not enough space for a person to sit on a seat in these buses, so people are in a lot of trouble. This is a big problem even for disabled people. It is very difficult for them to travel according to their needs and it appears that no government is following a proper visionary policy for this purpose. Also, there are many buses in Sri Lanka that are introduced as semi-luxury, but it is not clear what the luxury service is. I would like to know what steps will be taken to develop this public transport through a NPP government.


Thank you for you inquiry. Transport is a key priority for the NPP. We are committed to transforming the public transport system into a comfortable, efficient, and reliable service. We will pay special attention to the needs of women, the disabled, the elderly, and children by making public transport more accessible and inclusive. This includes introducing features that make it easier for the disabled to board and disembark and training bus staff to treat all passengers with respect and care. For more details, please look forward to the upcoming launch of our transport policy. Best regards

Chandima Hettigedara

Actually ,this is one of my suggestions to iimplement in health sector,when you come in to power. Please install finger print machines in health sector,wherever possible.As lack of punctuality of health staff cause lot of difficulties to the patients who are waiting to get the health service.


Thank you for your idea. Enhancing the health sector will be a top priority for an NPP government. Your suggestion is a valuable contribution toward ensuring a more efficient service, and it will be forwarded to our research and development team for consideration. Best regards