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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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Tilak Kumara Liyanage Liyanage

Hello, The expressway project is too slow in progress. Once you come to the power, do you continue the project and what's your expected time frame to finish from Pothuhera to Kandy expressway. Tilak from UK


Thank you for your inquiry. We will continue existing projects with the available funding. The NPP has a comprehensive plan to develop an efficient, people-centred transport system for the entire country, and our focus will be on realizing this vision. An NPP government will ensure that these projects are executed free of corruption, enhancing efficiency, minimizing delays, and ensuring their completion within the planned timelines.

Hiruna Himansa

What is the economic growth plan proposed by NPP?


Thank you for your inquiry. An NPP government will implement a comprehensive plan to transform Sri Lanka into a robust production-based economy. We will also encourage foreign direct investment by making the process simpler and more hassle-free for investors. Stay tuned for our upcoming policy statement, which will be launched very soon. Best regards


Has anything from your education policy from 2019 changed since then? and when can we expect the new policy?


Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, there are important improvements and the new policy launch will be on the 26th of August 2024. Best regards.

Hussaina Noordeen

When you do come in to power, how will you manage economy without world bank and imf support? Will you impose restrictions on house ownership and businesses etc. Will you nationalise?


Thank you for your inquiry. Despite the false information being circulated by other parties, we are committed to working with the IMF on our current engagement and we plan to actively negotiate for better terms that benefit our country. We recognize that our existing agreement with the IMF provides us with certain flexibilities, allowing us to plan for internal sustainability with less burden on the people. We fully respect private property rights, and any claims that there will be restrictions on home ownership are completely false and the private sector is expected to play a central role in our efforts to rebuild the economy. Best regards

N P H liyanage

I appreciate the economic, education health, transport and disability policies. We are fortunate to see the valuable suggestions given in those policies. They are very well established concepts in developed countries. For example the need to differentiate autism from other mental disorders. Autism is a thing which goes unnoticed in our country. Abd also the establishment of a separate cycle lane in every newly built street. Another great initiative is the concept of health care facilities as a basic need. The list will go on since there are really fantastic suggestions in each sector. It is very encouraging. However the NPP land policy is not very clear. What about the ownership of small agricultural lands? Will the owners loose their rights?


Thank you for your inquiry. Not at all. Small landowners are integral to the NPP's plan for developing the agricultural sector. To learn more about how we intend to support small landowners in agriculture, please refer to our policy documents, which will be released on August 26, 2024. Best regards