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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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Umesh Eranga

It is very pleased to see a well organized and structured policy statement from NPP. I am big fan of NPP and completely in support to your team. I don't have a university degree and I didn't choose a typical path after A/L to grow my career life. Hence I went ahead and completed my Chartered Accountancy and honored with the membership at age 40. My concern is about not privatization of education in Sri Lanka. You have mentioned in your policy statement that out of total student population, only 8% get chance to study in universities. Other countries, specially Indians having a bacholar degree level education for many people. This is not only from government universities but some are from paid universities. Therefore my suggestion is, we should introduce private universities governed by UGC while updating the university syllabus to match with current international labour market. You may not need to discuss this now but keep this in mind to roll out later :-). Because this is not a favorite topic to discuss now but you have to change the mind of university students. They don't understand the value of a degree specially when we are out of the country. Second thing is they think that private universities are threats to their future life. This is completely a narrow minded thinking of our people which need to be changed.


Thank you for your input. The NPP is committed to expanding opportunities for higher education. For more details, please refer to our policy statement. The following link will allow you to download our policy document.  https://www.npp.lk/si/policies Best regards


Do you agree with the zero corruption rule using in Singapore...How NPP works with the corruption occured top to bottom in Srilanka...??


Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, an NPP government will be dedicated to eradicating corruption in Sri Lanka by establishing a transparent and accountable governance system. This includes appointing officials based on merit, not political connections, and empowering institutions like the Bribery Commission, the Attorney General's Department, and the police to operate independently and free from political interference.


Do you facilitate blockchain development,crypto currency trading,crypto cloud minning,etc...like digital asset management systems and lots of youngsters doing digital marketing and internet sales like drop shipping and direct shipping....do you educate or legalize them in your government..??


Thank you for your inquiry. Under an NPP government, our priority will be to first address the pressing economic challenges the country is facing at the moment. While we recognize the growing importance of cryptocurrency, online trading, and other financial innovations, we will approach these areas cautiously. Our plan will involve establishing clear regulatory frameworks to ensure security, transparency, and innovation while safeguarding public interests and the stability of our financial system. This will be a carefully managed process involving experts to ensure that these developments align with the broader economic priorities of the country.


1) Under your government do you maintain a consistance tax ppolicy for least 5 years which help business also to plan such a period and eexecutive the business plan. 2) Will your government do give shortterm and long term target for each and every government organisations and create a machanisem to monitor those performance and disclose to the general public? What action will be taken for governing top management if they not perform? 3) Do you have a plan to improve agreculture with new technology and most of the fruits which we import can plant here also and agreecuture reseach department should have clear target on that. 4) we have industries in srilanka can produce good but we still imports those good. Ex. Plastic kind of product which can recycling. Do you have a plan to creat a platform for those industies to discuss those and develop from local consumption to export market? 4) Do you have a plan to leagalised and develop kind of toddy and kitul toddy to sell to foreigners.


Thank you for your inquiry. We acknowledge that your questions are valid concerns regarding our policies for rebuilding the nation. We encourage you to read our manifesto, which outlines how we plan to govern and bring about positive change. Best regards


As a concerned citizen, I have noticed that the current state of public transport in our country is far from ideal. Many people, including myself, face daily challenges due to inefficiencies, delays, overcrowding, and overall poor service quality. Could you please share your party's plans, solutions, and proposed regulations to address these issues? Specifically, I am interested in understanding how you intend to improve the reliability, accessibility, and sustainability of public transport in both urban and rural areas. Thank you.


Thank you for your inquiry. Transport is a priority sector for the NPP, with a strong focus on enhancing public transportation to meet 70% of the country's total transport needs within four years. We plan to significantly improve the railway system by converting all single tracks to double tracks, double tracks to triple tracks, and extending the network to cover all major cities. Additionally, we will increase the frequency of train services. Our plan also includes 24/7 bus services that will cover urban, rural, and estate areas. For a comprehensive overview, please refer to our policy statement. The following link will allow you to download our policy document.  https://www.npp.lk/si/policies Best regards