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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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How are the decisions taken to build the tourism business in the country and the activities that are essential for the tourism business but cannot be implemented at this time?


Thank you for your inquiry. 

Decisions on tourism sector development are generally guided by a comprehensive national tourism policy that defines the vision and strategic goals for the industry. Please refer to our manifesto to know more about NPP's plans for the tourism sector.

The link to NPP's tourism policy: https://www.npp.lk/en/policies/tourismpolicy

Best regards!

Tharindu Manamperi

This is more of a suggestion regarding higher education, specifically at the university level. The majority of university students aged 19-24 need to be more effectively utilised to contribute to the economy, which is a massive waste of the most supremely energetic human resources. Please propose and execute a suitable program so that university students can be directly involved with economic activities at the ground level. A broader discussion and good planning may be required to ensure security during their intervention. However, they can still be utilised formally to collect and digitalise databases and develop design and construction proposals for government development activities. Now, they are well-equipped with the latest technologies and global knowledge, so no one can argue they are not mature enough or lack knowledge on procedures (Surely they can be trained, which enriches their future careers too). Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook at age...., find out. Thank you!


Education is a top priority for the NPP. We appreciate your valuable suggestion which will be forwarded to our Research & Development team. Best regards!

Tharinda D

This is regarding the geopolitics While india is trying to build two large harbours to grab the naval hub from colombo to india they forced Sri Lanka not to have a economic relationship with China, This is totally unfair. When they built two naval hubs obviously they will have a good capacity to handle multiple ships and services, So in this part we should have a good connection with China and being a part of China's economic belt we can again create a big opportunity to Sri Lanka to attract ships and customers. Even in NPP government Naval is a main industry but we should have a proper geopolitical view on this how to deal and whom to deal. In maritime industry China is a must country. So my question is in this type of cases how to deal with india if they try to involve our internal sovereignty


Thank you for your inquiry. NPP is committed to protecting Sri Lanka's sovereignty while promoting national interests through balanced foreign policy. We seek to strengthen the country's maritime industry and international trade, exploring partnerships with nations like China and maintaining strong ties with neighbours like India. Diplomatic dialogue will be improved to ensure economic growth without compromising sovereignty. Best regards!


What is your plan?


Thank you for your inquiry. We invite you to explore our election manifesto to discover our vision, values, and policies for rebuilding our country. 

The following links will allow you to download our policy document.  

Best regards!

Ravindu Hewawasam

Please clarify your party’s stance on the current 300% tax and 18% VAT on imported vehicles. Specifically, do you plan to maintain, reform, or adjust these rates?


Thank you for your inquiry. We will assess the dollar reserves and the economic recovery plan to determine how quickly we can lift the current restrictions. The taxes imposed will also be adjusted based on the strength of the economy, ensuring a balanced approach that benefits the country. Best regards!