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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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S P Kariyawasam

We respectfully request that the financial expertise of the global business sector be injected into the Sri Lankan political arena, and the business community be mobilized under the auspices of the National People's Power to establish the "National Investment Council". We strongly believe that through the "National Investment Council" the National People's Power can be appointed as the decisive force in handling the local economy. As a start, we further request that the "National Investment Council" be established by gathering the business community of the Western Province who support the National People's Power. Victory to the National People's Power!


Thank you for your suggestion . We take it seriously because it sounds very relevant . We will consider it once you all give us power to run the country .

Malinga Rambandara

Health person divided different groups, example doctor, nurse, mlt, etc, Every groups try to get more facilities only relevant group. Example s salary, vehicle facilities, schools for children and more,abroad training How you treat this situation???


Thank you for your question. Not only health , in many organizations , there are trade unions and it is a worker right. Trade unions agitate when their grievances are not addressed at the right time. We will establish worker friendly systems and will also introduce many progressive measures to ensure industrial and institutional harmony. Then, employees of all sectors will be pleased to work.

Nimal Susantha

Dear Sir/Ma’am, Thank you for the opportunity to make a comment. I believe the main cause for the ongoing economic struggle is not having a stable banking system free of political influence., of course it is apart from other corruptions, incompetence, and waste of public funds by the ruling individuals. Many of our own aspiring entrepreneurs are encountering road blocks with the least or no financial assistance from the local banks, including the ones backed by our own government. I am personally aware of one such entrepreneur after spending millions of dollars now struggles finding a viable means, but for no avail. He has 100’s of employees. Being a proud Sri Lankan who does not want to leave the country in the presence of many opportunities to do so due to the obligation that he needs to feed the families of his employees. All these troubles are taking place due to the fact that banks maintain high interest rates with other undue restrictions. The banks in Sri Lanka, currently, maintain their own monopolistic procedures turning away aspiring entrepreneurs. Needless to say how difficult it is for an average citizen to ask for a loan for house build up, on purchase of a car, etc. I am not certain and not seeing evidence, but according to business community, the banks have taken these stubborn way of treating their customers after bribing politicians. I personally noticed many times how unprofessionally customers are treated customers while banks amassed many billions of their (customers’) funds. Despite its significance to the development of our country, I have never heard any politician, including NPPiers have ever brought up this issue publicly. In light if the above, my question is how would NPP plan to resolve this much needed issue, and where your priority stands on the same issue in your scale of resolution hierarchy? Thank you, and appreciate your response.


Thank you for your question. The economic issue is not just because of the banking system but the government did not have dollars for debt repayment and for the import of essential goods. Also the government didn't have rupees for recurrent expenses. To get rid of the economic issue, you need to enhance the sources of dollar inflows to the country. Also, you need to look for a production economy which the NPP government has been advocating for many decades. NPP is not in favour of Neoliberal Economy which allows everything to be decided by market forces. NPP promotes Social Solidarity Economy where we will have public, private and cooperative system in force. We presented our economic policy a few months ago, and now it is being reviewed as per the new developments.

Dhanushka Gamage

I personally think that education system in Sri Lanka needs to be change for more career related rather than knowledge test of the text books which is used by most of the European countries and other western countries as well. There should be a system at the schools that young students can choose their path of education based off what they are talented for and not in general subjects that all of them must do whether they like it or not. What is the NPP plan towards these type of policy change on education in the long run?


Thank you for your question . Please refer to our policy document on education in the npp.lk

Nadika Perera

How do you plan to improve Public Transport of Sri Lanka?


Thank you for your question. We consider public transport as a priority area in our overall policy. We focus on developing the railway system by bringing in technology and innovation. Efficiency, and comfort of the service will be enhanced. Employee grievances will be handled through a coordinated mechanism. The passenger transport and railway will be integrated through terminals. Distance passenger transport operations will be handled through private bus companies. Individual bus operators will be shareholders of the provincial /district companies . An independent transport commission will be doing Monitoring and regulating the system. Foreign direct investment/local investors will be called to install bus building companies in Sri Lanka to meet export/local demand. State transport authority will be mainly focusing on interior and underserved routes in the selected area. We have short, mid and long term plan for public transport development. Thank you