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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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I would like to make a donation as I am unable to support physically as I live abroad. Thanks Anura Hettiarachchi


Thank you Mr. Hettiarachchi. We appreciate your generosity. We have forwarded your mail to our relevant section. Thank you

Dayananda k lekamlage

Hello, I'm originally from bulutota in kolonne asanaya, currently live in Los Angeles, USA. Please let me know the details of npp office in the area and how it work. I'm not a any party member. But i want to help for the change at this time and do whatever possible to help to the people in bulutota area. At least couple of people can change their mind and get their vote in the election I'll be happy. Thank you. Dayananda k lekamlage (I'm a veterinary graduate but now a government worker in a different field) Thank


Thank you for your voluntary effort to help people understand why they should elect NPP to rule the country. We have a Kottasa Sabha in Bulutota, Kolonne. We will send you the contact details if you send us an e-mail.


Jayasiri Dahanayaka

Your economic model is very confusing for common public. I listened to Prof. Anil Jayantha’s very informative interview but it was all over the places, difficult to pinpoint where you are heading? Eg: he said you can put any name for it , without drawing any existing examples? He should have told we are going to introduce pragmatic unique economic model which will be experimental in Sri Lanka first time, or otherwise he should have told we are introducing system mixing Chinese, Scandinavian and Vietnam models.Then common public can imagine NPP is not going to do a economic blunder like Gota did. You guys better to stop talking about Cuban system because Cuban system has failed miserably and very corrupt. I have a suggestion for AKD. I personally love him ( I am not politically polarized and neutral, living in Canada)You better adapt populism and successful capitalist strategies for election win, such as AKD should behave like a country president who shows wisdom, neutrality, integrity, honesty and empathy for all irrespective whether JVP, NPP or UNP/SLPP. Finally he should not speak more than 15 minutes in a rally in terms of his health and status ( J.R spoke only very essential but he allowed Premadasa to speak long speeches)


Dear Mr Dahanayake,

Compliments for the new year. I am sorry if Prof. Anil's explanation was not clear enough. However, we would like to mention that none of the economic models that have been adopted by successive governments have been successful because those governments have failed to understand the ground realities in Sri Lanka. Neoliberalism has failed because of its trickle down effects and huge income disparities. Since there have not been internal controls, it has lead to corrupt regime . So as the other models as they have gone to the extremes of those models without they are appropriately remodeled to suit the needs of the country. They all have miserably failed and finally the country is bankrupt.

We in the NPP have absorbed the good from all models and rejected what are inappropriate. We believe in a economic model where three players operate i.e. public sector , private sector and the cooperative sector sector. In Sri Lanka , people have no proper knowledge or exposure to cooperative system but you may have since you live in Canada. We will be putting up our policy documents together with the election manifesto in the next few weeks . Till such time if you have any concerns , please call Dr Shantha Jayarathne on 0773222405 through whatsApp . 


Pradeep kulathilaka

I need to get the party membership. Who I need to contact for that? I live in Kurunegala.


Thank you for your interest to join the NPP . Please contact the Kottasa Sabha (කොට්ඨාස සභා) in your area for you to join the NPP . Regards

Pradeep Goonetillake

Hi My wife and I are both beneficiaries of Sri Lanka’s free education . I graduated as an engineer from University of Moratuwa in 1994 and also have an MBA from University of Colombo . I worked in Sri Lanka for 6 years and migrated to Canada in 2001 . I have also obtained an M.Sc in ehealth from Mc Master university here in Canada . Currently working for a Japanese company as an IT infrastructure consultant. My wife is a family doctor (GP) who passed out from University of Ruhuna. She has been working as a doctor here in Canada for 17 years in a private clinic we run . We are getting closer to our retirement . We are sad to see the state of Sri Lanka today. We never wanted to be part of a political party or get involved in politics . So we did our own private charity projects in Sri Lanka . But it seems we can contribute more towards the country in terms of the knowledge and experience we have gained over the years. We listen to speeches made by AKD and other leaders in NPP. We feel you have a genuine interest in the development of Sri Lanka. We like to know how we can contribute to that cause . We do not anticipate any favours or personal benefits by doing so. Please let us know. Thank you Pradeep & Piyanthi Goonetillake


Thank you for your compliments on NPP. We need experienced people like you to develop this country in a government formed by NPP by next year. We invite you to let us know what charity work you are doing in Sri Lanka ? We are running a computer school "Nethra" in Rideemaliyadda, the 2nd poorest divisional secretariat in Sri Lanka. It offers IT courses free of charge. We enroll 400 students a year although we receive over 1000 applications. We have courses from school children to village farmers in the area to improve their IT literacy . Our resources are limited so annual intake cannot be expanded . If you are interested , you can contact Samantha Widyarathne, former MP of JVP/NPP . He heads the governing council of the school. You can contact him on +94714479589 for more details. Thank you